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LIMITED TIME SPECIAL DEAL –  $99!   (Normally $497!)

Sign Up and Get INSTANT ACCESS to 6 Online Workshops

PLUS 3 Live Community Coaching Calls when you join the 6-Week Program

This is your opportunity to ask questions and get support and guidance on any aspect of the program. Make sure to write down your questions when you are going through each workshop, so you can ask it during these community coaching sessions. It’s also an opportunity to connect with your community and hold you to acccount!


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Sign up today! Deal ends in…

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[mepr-membership-registration-form id=”519″]

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+ 6 Online Workshops with Dr. Alice ✔︎
+ 3 Live Community Coaching Call  ✔︎
+ Natural Weight Solutions Community Support ✔︎
+ Exclusive Facebook Group ✔︎
+ Discount On All Supplements  ✔︎
+ Nutrition Handouts ✔︎
+ Annual Goal Setting Workshop Every January ✔︎

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Are you frustrated with trying to lose weight ONLY to gain it back? If you want to take the next step and maximize your health and achieve your weight loss goals, join this 6-week program! Renew, Reshape and Re-Energize Your Body Naturally!

6 Online Workshops with Dr. Alice:

6 Online Workshops that have been pre-recorded so you can watch it at your convenience.  However, it’s recommended you commit to watching at least one video a week so you can follow along and maximize your results.  Block out 1 hour every week and be sure to put in your calendar! You will get 6 weeks to access these videos but if you need more time, you can join one of our maintenance programs to have unlimited access! Dr. Alice will go into more depth with each of these 10 steps and it will take you from just wanting to live healthier to ACTUALLY LIVING HEALTHIER. Getting you in action with a plan to achieve those weight loss goals!

 3 Live Community Coaching Sessions with Dr. Alice:

This is your opportunity to ask questions and get support and guidance on any aspect of the program. Make sure to write down your questions when you are going through each workshop, so you can ask it during these community coaching sessions. It’s also an opportunity to connect with your community and hold you to acccount!

To do this program 1-on-1 with Dr. Alice would cost you OVER $1400! However, since the program is done in a group format, you can SAVE A TON! 
